List of Female Convicts at the Parramatta Female Factory
The following is a list of Female Convicts that we know were in the Parramatta Female Factory.
Parramatta Female Factory Master List
As there is no definitive list, the Parramatta Female Factory Friends continue to add more names to the Master List, if you have any information to assist in adding more names or finding out whether your ancestor was in the Parramatta Female Factory, please email us with the Heading – Research Team.
Research Free or Fees
Commencing 1 January 2023, you may request research on a convict ancestor at the following rates:
Members – Free for the first hour.
Non Members and Members (in excess of 1 hour) = $25/hr.
A maximum of 4 hours ($100) will be spent on a female convict research request and any time after that is subject to negotiation.
During research, any expenses for copying documents from other organisations e.g. State Archives, will be notified and paid for prior to copying the document. Some documents may or may not contain additional information.
The completed research will be a document/pdf containing a Biographical Data form, a narrative (Biography), any copies of images which are allowed to be used (some images may be subject to copyright). The document will have a list of all references accessed.